Houseband at Large

Competency Based Training Resources

In the past tutorials, I had tackled the different materials that a Certified Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainer needs to have and to prepare in order to conduct a Competency Based Training (CBT).

In this topic we will now talk about the different Training Resources that a TVET Trainer needs to have and to ensure availability, prior to, during and after the conduct of CBT Training.

Section Three - Training Standards of the Training Peculations (TR), under 3.4 - List of Tools, Equipment and Materials, contains the list of the minimum quantity of tools, equipment and materials that a qualification must have for a specific number of students. Although at times the list might be incomplete, or might even have outdated list, it still remains authoritative and must be followed.  

When the list lacks some of the tools, or equipment that a qualification will require for training, the Trainer can simply add these to his / her list of Training resources without problem.  However, when an outdated equipment or tools is the question, the Trainer is obliged to inform the TESDA Provincial Office and explain why it is no longer needed and should be removed from the list.

What we will need for this tutorial:

  1. The Plan Training Session-Competency Based Learning Materials (PTS-CBLM), which will serve as our primary reference.
  2. A copy of your Qualifications Training Regulations that you can download directly from the TESDA website, where a link is provided in the download area of this blog; and
  3. The template for the list of Training Resources / Inventory of Training materials that you can download here.
The PTS-CBLM states that " In planning your learning sessions, learning materials and resources are very important. These will help you impart knowledge in a more effective way. Learning resources and materials are directly related to [the] methods of learning [that] you will be able to use in CBT."

According to the PTS - CBLM, Training Materials and Resources is defined as " ... information represented, accessible, or stored in a variety of media and formats," that were classified as:

A. Training materials for the knowledge  

1. Print Materials
  1. Competency Based Learning Materials (CBLM)
  2. Textbooks, references, etc.
  3. Technical, shop, and manufacturer’s manual
  4. Magazines, journals, trade publications, pamphlets, and periodicals
2. Non-Print Materials
  1. Still visuals (with & without sound), slides, film strips, flip charts,
  2. photograph
  3. Motion visuals (with & without sound) video tape, video discs
  4. Interactive e-learning materials
B. The materials that are used for skills practice
  1. Materials and Supplies
  2. Templates
  3. Job Sheets
  4. Activity Sheets
  5. Operation Sheets
C. Resources used for skills feedback
  1. Performance Criteria Checklists
  2. Procedural Checklists
  3. Evaluation Checklists
  4. Achievement/Progress Charts
D. Resources used for knowledge practice
  1. Self-checks
  2. Post-tests
  3. Written tests
  4. Review questions
  5. Oral quizzes
E. Resources used for knowledge feedback
  1. Answer key or solutions to compare answers with
  2. Model answer

List of Tools, Equipment and Materials

The PTS-CBLM Suggest that "When gathering the needed materials and resources, it will be better if you can prepare beforehand a list of all the needed resources that you will use for a certain session or unit of competency. The list surely will identify the specific resources, how many are available, how many are required for the session and remarks."

Accordingly, it also emphasizes that " Each group of resources should have a separate list; let us say for print materials, it should have a checklist different from list for non-print and so with the other types of resources. This system will ensure that all the resources will be available when you conduct the training program. "

My opinion

Remember that when we developed our session plan, we have already listed the resources (condition) that we will require for each session that we are to conduct for the training, aside from this, the same list was also included in the Learning Outcome (LO) summary of our Competency Based Learning Materials (CBLM). Thus, it is my opinion that this inventory is far more suited if it will be utilized to identify the tools, equipment and materials that we will require per competency, rather than per session since we have already done that before.

By doing this, we will always have a readily available list or inventory that we can consult in order to ensure that the conditions that we require are met before we start our training session for a given competency.

The Template

image of Inventory of Materials Template
Figure 1. Inventory of Materials Template

Again, similar to the other topic, the provided template is self-explanatory and will only require you to consult your respective Training Regulations for that matter, just remember the few advised that I wrote above regarding outdated and missing tools, equipment in the list, but should you have further questions, feel free to comment bellow.


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