Houseband at Large

Electronic Tools - Pliers

Basic Electronic Hand Tools 

My last post was about screwdrivers, for this post, the next tool that I will be writing today is the good old pliers. 

fig.1 Side cutting (Diagonal) pliers
in public domain
Very  much similar to the screwdrivers, there are lots of types of pliers.  From the small size to the bigger one, designed for use on different trade areas that would require to hold, cut and bend materials as needed.

For electronics use however, most of the time, what we use are the smaller ones and most of the time these falls into two types. The side cutting, also known as diagonal and the long nose pliers.

The side cutting pliers as the name already states, its purpose is for cutting.  In Electronics these normally means cutting small wires and lead terminals of components, as shown in fig 1. 

This type of plier can vary in size since it is designed for cutting, and wires and cables do have different sizes in which the cutting pliers size needs to fit the wire size its needs to cut.

fig. 2. Long Nose Pliers
in public domain

The next pliers in the list is the longnose pliers (fig. 2 ), this type of plier is commonly used in holding and reaching nuts, screws or any materials in confined spaces. 

With its extended length in can easily reach out in confined and small spaces when required.

Very much to the screwdriver, there are now lots of different types of pliers that can be found in the market, from bent nose to needle type to locking type, designed to address different needs of different trade areas that would require, cutting , holding and reaching.

For my next blog, I will writing about soldering.  Till then. cheers!

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