Houseband at Large

Trainers' Methodology Level 1 - Trainee Entry Requirements

According to the TM-1 Training Regulations (TR), the prospective TM-1 Trainee must meet the following requirements:
  • Graduate of baccalaureate degree or equivalent in training/experience along the field of Technical -Vocational Education  and Training;
  • Certified at the same or higher NC Level in the qualification that will be handled (for technical trainers);
  • Able to communicate orally and in writing;
  • Physically fit and mentally healthy;
  • Proficient in quantitative and qualitative analysis; and
  • Proficient in verbal reasoning.
In 2013, what Facilitators normally debates upon is in regards to the stated equivalence of a baccalaureate degree,
 "...equivalent in training/experience along the field of Technical -Vocational Education  and Training"
This is so, given that the equivalence were never defined properly which causes debates among ourselves since there are some Facilitators who keeps on insisting that only College Graduates are allowed to undergo the TM-1 Training Seminar, although the one that always prevails is the one that the Team had pre defined earlier which allowed the group to accept for TM Training even those who have not competed a baccalaureate Degree.

Given that this problem keeps on coming out every time we are to conduct a TM training, what the team did was to notify the Central Office through the TVET TVI Organization President regarding this matter, thus last year after a public consultation was conducted by the TESDA, they were able to released a board approved resolution that defines the equivalence of a baccalaureate degree.

To with I believe is self explanatory. Which I will no longer discuss on this blog. Should you have questions though, feel free to ask at the comments section of this post.


The Old TM1 site can be found here - Trainers Methodology Hub

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