Houseband at Large

Workshop Maintenance Program

One of the core competencies of the Trainers Methodology Level 1 focuses on the importance of maintaining our training facilities that will ensure the conduct of training with less interruptions due to equipment failure or improperly maintained facilities.   

This is what the competency Maintain Training Facilities is all about, it teaches the future TVET Trainer the how? why? when, and what? of properly maintaining a training facility.

The Maintain Training Facilities - Competency Based Learning Material (MTF-CBLM) emphasizes the importance of maintenance in page 3. It explains that,

"Maintenance is an excellent means of improving the performance and condition of equipment and facilities. 

An effective maintenance program identified problems long before any equipment or facility breaks down or deteriorate. 

A good maintenance system presents the early discovery of problems, thus providing plenty of lead time for effective maintenance planning. 

The trainer has to value the importance of maintaining the training facilities, equipment and tools he is using or under his care if he values the presence and availability of these resources for effective training and learning processes."

further it stresses the need of a maintenance program which it defines as,

"A maintenance program is a comprehensive list of maintenance and its incidents. This would include all maintenance activities to be undertaken, manpower needed, maintenance methods to be used, all the materials and supplies needed and cost involved in the maintenance.

Aside from this, it also explained what a maintenance schedule is and its purpose.

Maintenance Schedule

Sample Workshop Housekeeping Schedule
Figure 1. Sample Workshop Housekeeping Schedule

Figure 1. "A maintenance schedule is a list allocating specific maintenance of an area, including equipment and tools to a specific period. The maintenance schedule is just a part of the maintenance program. A maintenance checklist is a list of maintenance tasks (preventive or predictive) typically derived through some form of analysis, generated automatically as work orders at a predetermined frequency."

As the MTF-CBLM has explained, having a a maintenance schedule is not enough, for along with the schedule "... is the ... inspection checklist. The checklist will confirm if the maintenance activities have been performed in order to prolong the life of this particular equipment or workshop." (Figure 2)
Sample Workshop Housekeeping Checklist
Figure 2. Sample Workshop Housekeeping Checklist

there are two sets of maintenance program that the MTF-CBLM requires, these are the:
  1. Maintenance Program for your workshop; and
  2. Maintenance program for your tools and equipment. 
For starters, we will first deal with the development of a workshop maintenance schedule and the corresponding checklist. The next part of this blog will then deal with the needed maintenance forms, when maintaining tools and equipment.


  • There is no standard form when it comes to maintenance, your respective institution may even have one already and is already utilizing these forms. However, for this purpose, given that you are undergoing training in proper maintenance procedure, you will be required to develop your own to fit the very specific requirement that your workshop will require when you start adopting the Competency Based Training method.

What we will need:

  1. The MTF-CBLM that will serve as our primary source of information; and
  2. The templates: workshop housekeeping schedule and checklist can be downloaded below. 
  1. Housekeeping Maintenance Schedule Template
  2. Housekeeping Maintenance Checklist
    Workshop Housekeeping Schedule Template
    Figure 3. Workshop Housekeeping Schedule Template

    Both templates that I am sharing were commented in such a way that it becomes self-explanatory.  Text in red are instructions that you can follow in order to develop your required Workshop Maintenance schedule and the accompanying checklist.

    Workshop Housekeeping Inspection Checklist
    Figure 4. Workshop Housekeeping Inspection Checklist

    Figures 3 and 4 is the very template that you can download as mentioned previously. To develop your schedule, just follow as instructed in the template and remember what the MTF-CBLM have stated that needs your consideration in page 5.

    Who are involved?
    • Who will manage the activities?
    • Who will monitor and evaluate the operations?
    • Who will prepare the maintenance schedule?
    • Who will implement the program?
    • Who will keep the records?
    • Who will conduct inspection?
    • Who will certify and accept the work?
    • Who will prepare the report?
    • What, Where, When?

    What routine actions must be done to keep the device on working order?
    • Where is the maintenance activity to be carried out?
    • When do you perform the maintenance activities?
    • How to maintain?

    The question on how we implement the maintenance program will center on the 5Ms are as follows:
    • Manpower
    • Money (Financial Resources)
    • Methods and System
    • Machines (Facilities)
    • Materials and Supplies
    All of these questions and criteria were properly reflected in the given template which I do believe is self-explanatory and easy to follow.

    In my next blog we, will be taking up the development of necessary forms for equipment maintenance. Till then.


    Related Topics:
    1. Equipment Preventive Maintenance Program
    2. Maintenance Procedures and Request Forms

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