Houseband at Large

Maintain Training Facilities

As per Trainers Methodology Level 1 (TM-1) Training Regulations, the Core Competency Maintain Training Facilities (MTF) is described as a,

"... unit [that] covers the skills and attitude in maintaining training facilities, includes implementing housekeeping activities and maintaining training systems, equipment, tools, materials and documents."

This core competency, have five learning outcomes (LO)s that a candidate needs to achieve in order to be considered competent. These Learning outcomes are: 
  1. Plan maintenance activities
  2. Prepare schedule of maintenance 
  3. Implement housekeeping activities
  4. Maintain training equipment and tools
  5. Document maintenance inspections
Referring now to the Competency Based Learning Materials (CBLM), that the National TVET Trainer's Academy (NTTA) had released, we can notice that the content arrangement was based on how the different learning outcomes were specified under the Training Regulations.

Advance reading the CBLM will now give us the following output requirements that you as a trainee undergoing training for TM-1, needs to submit in order to complete the portfolio requirements of this core competency. These requirements are:

* Note: 

A discrepancy between the TR and CBLM can be noticed here, the TR has arranged the LO as shown above, eventually in the CBLM, some components of LO2 was included in LO1, which resulted for a different numbering in LO titles, where LO2 in the TR was inadvertently omitted, and LO3 became LO2 in the CBLM. Given this I will now address the following as CBLM LOs to distinguish it from the LO as per TR.

For CBLM LO1, there are four required outputs for this LO, these are: TASK SHEET 5.1-3a Plan Maintenance Activities; TASK SHEET 5.1-3b Prepare an Equipment Maintenance Schedule; TASK SHEET 5.1-3c Prepare Housekeeping Inspection Checklist; and TASK SHEET 5.1-3d Prepare Equipment Maintenance Inspection Checklist. 

For CBLM LO2, there is only a single task, this is, TASK SHEET 5.2-1 Prepare a Waste Segregation List

For CBLM LO3, there are two outputs needed for this LO, these are: TASK SHEET 5.3-2a Implement Housekeeping Activities; and TASK SHEET 5.3-2b Prepare a Breakdown/Repair Report.

For CBLM LO4, this LO does not have any output requirement, but you are however required to read the contents to learn how to properly document your maintenance program.

All the output documents indicated in the CBLM are needed for your portfolio requirement,

however, there are two documentary requirements that you are needed to submit for the National Assessment that was not covered by the CBLM, these are the Waste Segregation Plan and the Equipment request form.

Documents for National Assessment Portfolio:

  • All outputs, plus Waste Segregation Plan and Equipment Request Form.

To complete the Institutional Assessment requirements of this core competency, aside from the above-mentioned portfolio documents, you as the Trainee, will also be required to undergo an essay form of written examination and an interview from the lead Facilitators.

You are required to pass the Institutional Assessment of this core competency before you can be allowed to proceed to the next core competency, Supervised work Based Learning, and only upon by passing these Institutional Assessment requirement, will you be awarded a certificate of Achievement.

In my next blog, I will discuss the development of each required portfolio documents, starting with your Housekeeping Schedule,


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