Houseband at Large

Ginisang Sayote "Sauted Chayote"

According to wikipedia:

Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Globally it is known by many names including Choko (Australia) christophene or christophine, cho-cho, cidra (Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda regions of Colombia), sayóte (Filipino languages), guatila (Boyacá and Valle del Cauca regions of Colombia), centinarja (Malta), sousou or chou-chou (chow-chow) (Mauritian Creole), chuchu (Brazil), pimpinela (Madeira), pipinola (Hawaii), tayota (Dominican Republic), mirliton (Haitian Creole), pear squash, vegetable pear, chouchoute, choko, güisquil (Guatemala, El Salvador), pataste (Honduras), piskot or sikot (Meghalaya), is-kus (Nagaland), dashkush (Manipur), iskut (Mizoram), is-Kush (Nepal) su su (Vietnam). Its tuberous and edible root is called chinchayote or chayotextle in Mexico and ichintal in Guatemala.

For this Filipino Dish you will need the following:

  1. One piece, sliced "Sayote"
  2. One fourth (1/4) Kilo, pork, cut in small cubes.
  3. One piece garlic. (minced or chopped)
  4. One piece red onion. (chopped)
  5. One or two pieces tomatoes, (sliced)
  6. Seasoning of your choice. (Fish sauce, salt, pork cubes, etc)
  7. Cooking Oil of your choice.

  1. Cook the cubed pork in a hot cooking oil until crispy.
  2. Temporarily remove the cooked pork.
  3. Using the same oil when you cooked the pork, (do remove some oil, if the pork has produced an oil when you cooked it) saute the onions and garlic
  4. Add the sliced tomatoes.
  5. After a few minutes add the pork and the sliced "sayote"
  6. Add some water and allow to boil until the "sayote" is cooked.
  7. Season to taste.
  8. Serve hot with white rice / fried rice
Happy eating!

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